Published on August 7, 2001 By MarkMcQ In WinCustomize Talk
I'm looking for two particular fonts I used to have, but lost in a reformat, and I can't remember where I downloaded them from.
I don't know the exact names, but one was the Cadillac font, the other was somewhat like Arial Black, but had HotRod flames coming from the letters.

If anyone has either, or knows where I can find them, I'd really appreciate the help.
on Aug 07, 2001
Hey Hippy man, you can find a Cadillac font at:
Don't know if it's the one ya' want.
for some fire fonts.
This site:
has links to other font sites if ya' don't find what you need.
Happy Hunting.
on Aug 08, 2001
No luck, Bill, but thanks for those links anyway.
on Aug 08, 2001
Mark: is the font CALLED Cadillac, or is it a flourish type font like they write it on the car?
on Aug 08, 2001
i always get my fonts from here..

i hope it has what your looking for:)
on Aug 08, 2001
I managed to find 2 versions of it on Techfonts.
Here's the Cadillac one, which turns out is called 'Top Speed':

Still after the Hot-rod one though.

on Aug 08, 2001

Rough pic of the Hot-Rod font.
Anyone recognise it?
on Aug 09, 2001
on Aug 09, 2001
Broken, you beautiful beautiful person you!!!!
I could just kiss y'all (But we'll keep this strictly business*ahem*)

That's the font indeed!!
I owe ya one.
on Aug 09, 2001
Glad I could kisses though my wife might get jealous
on Aug 09, 2001
Oh gosh... what a dissapointment. All this talk of fonts had me going. Then, I noticed not one mention of China.
on Aug 09, 2001
now, wait a minute! china's fonts were skintacular!