That filthy haggis muncher.
Published on April 14, 2014 By MarkMcQ In Skinning

Is it true he sells fedoras on The Moon now?

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on Apr 24, 2014

Transmutate and Scarebear's been invited, too.

Ok, enough rounding up msheep for tonight.....

on Apr 24, 2014

Someone go find PuterDudeJim!!

on Apr 24, 2014

yeap, that GR. i met him in Detroit also. he's one of the most quiet individuals i've ever had the pleasure of meeting. he's extremely nice, too.

mormegil still working for stardock?

on Apr 24, 2014

YAY! I am ME again!

on Apr 24, 2014

DWM2...your email has been hooked up to your old you can now get back to DWM and cease looking like 'quasi-new-ish'....

WooHoo! Now I can go back to living the lie that I'm not old anymore.

on Apr 24, 2014

You can see a few of the oldies here:-

on Apr 24, 2014

mormegil still working for stardock?


on Apr 24, 2014

Fuzzy Logic

You can see a few of the oldies here:-[/quote]

Mine used to be there but one thing's for sure... there are some scary looking freaks skinning!


DAMN IT WHY WON'T IT SHOW MY AVATAR! I still look like an alien. (HEY keep the comments to yourself!)

on Apr 24, 2014


 I considered a few shock tactic type things to sway him around to my way of thinking, but then I figured he'd be the sort of bloke who'd have to go one better... so I thought better of it.  I was going to PM him a pic of me pulling a real grotesque face with my eyeballs bulging and dentures out, but that was soon put on a permanent backburner when I realised he could PM me something even uglier.


True story and good point. I have enough scary in my life for now.

I think we need to arrange some kind of group e-hug here to show the newbs the love we all shar...


Oh good lord I couldn't even finish the sentence without getting nauseous. I must be "mature" now.

on Apr 24, 2014


DAMN IT WHY WON'T IT SHOW MY AVATAR! I still look like an alien. (HEY keep the comments to yourself!)

You can try changing your avatar here -

Login, then My Account, Images

on Apr 24, 2014


What an exciting and refreshing thread!!

DWM- How very fine it is to see you are still out there. We had some brief and fun discussions back in the day. You really helped me along with some key elements. Nice to know the ugly stick didn't kill ya.

Another one of the golden era that comes to mind is Apocalypse57.

on Apr 24, 2014

A little birdie told me about a reunion or something going on around here. 


I really hope IR is still with us. 


anyhoot, hi ya'all. 


(had to create new account. You'll figure it out.  )

on Apr 24, 2014

Mr. Night Train? It's great to see you and all the other "old" skinners back.

on Apr 24, 2014

Well that's it.. HADES has frozen solid in to a festering clump of lava dung.

The "Dark" has appeared...  in the light! GREAT to see you old friend!

on Apr 24, 2014

Is Bones2112 still kickin?

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