That filthy haggis muncher.
Published on April 14, 2014 By MarkMcQ In Skinning

Is it true he sells fedoras on The Moon now?

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on Apr 25, 2014

^^ Another fabulous fellow!

on Apr 25, 2014

Holy cr@p, just trying to work out if I've died and this is some sort of skinners graveyard, or just some freaky reunion????

on Apr 25, 2014

Haha, user 325, join date 03/2001 ... guess that makes me ... old!

on Apr 25, 2014

Larry Kuperman
I have missed chatting with you on IRC so much

We all miss the old IRC days.

Shame it was handled the way it was.

on Apr 25, 2014

boxxi, voo....thanks for the info on pjpowell. i think you're right about him moving to america, voo. that does ring a bell or two.

kooooooop!!!! i agree. i miss yakking with voo on irc, too. those days were fun.


oh man, it's great seeing all these old names appear again.

on Apr 25, 2014

where's bebi and her bf from australia? or that young kid who i believe was from canada and interned at stardock? i met him about the time the movie 300 came out. it was on one of my visits to stardock hq. koop, karma, myself, the young kid, a red headed guy who used to run WC (he and karma had lamb) and somebody else had lunch at a restaurant in a hockey arena. i was expecting to eat at mcdonalds since you had to drive behind one to get to stardock at the time. is nakor still around?

on Apr 25, 2014

where's bebi and her bf from australia?

I have Alvaro (DC) on FB, I'll poke him. Steff....not sure.

on Apr 25, 2014

Steph has been mia for some time. Her DA page has been inactive for a couple of years

on Apr 25, 2014

I felt a disturbance in the Force...

on Apr 25, 2014

Someone mentioned the old IRC channel, made be recall this little chat log:

(the result of "tha switch":

on Apr 25, 2014

And I finally recalled where I had the nickname "milksama" from! Curses that had me wondering for a long time when I saw that username on twitter!

on Apr 25, 2014

chat log:

wow.. CerebroJD! Wasn't he like 12 yrs old or something around that time.. amazing!

on Apr 25, 2014

Right, lemme pick up where I left: When is DesktopX 4 coming out? 

on Apr 25, 2014

I just flipped through the skinner list at

I only hope that camera technology back then was SO bad that we actually looked better than it appears.

on Apr 25, 2014

I just flipped through the skinner list at

I only hope that camera technology back then was SO bad that we actually looked better than it appears.

Holy frack! What did you summon?!


Crazy how a few nicknames can send you back into another time like that.

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