That filthy haggis muncher.
Published on April 14, 2014 By MarkMcQ In Skinning

Is it true he sells fedoras on The Moon now?

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on Apr 16, 2014


on Apr 16, 2014

ZubaZ waves


on Apr 16, 2014

Wow! This be's a Mastwrs reunion. Whoda thunk it.

on Apr 16, 2014

Another old timer.  Hi Mark.

on Apr 16, 2014

How's the zimmer frame working out?

on Apr 16, 2014

Woa. Hi Mark.

on Apr 16, 2014

Fuzzy Logic

How's the zimmer frame working out?

I borrowed it ...

on Apr 17, 2014

Quoting Fuzzy Logic, reply 20
How's the zimmer frame working out?

I borrowed it ...

Would that be a permanent loan... given age makes no compromises when it comes to the degeneration of bits n' pieces/getting decrepit?

Like I can josh about it!  I got more decrepit going on than the mummy display at the London Museum.

on Apr 17, 2014

I got more decrepit going on than the mummy display at the London Museum

That's 'cause you ate CC far too long and the museum hasn't had time to catch up.

on Apr 17, 2014

Corn chips? ....

on Apr 17, 2014

Ohoi there, Marky Mark.

Looking at the amount of 'legend user' replies to this thread, I somehow hope that Mike doesn't make an appearance because it'll make the internet explode from all the awesome.

Don't keep on being a stranger, Mark. You're more missed than you'd ever think.

on Apr 17, 2014

frosty, it'll be a great day if and when mike stops by. i met that dude in stardock's offices when they moved a few years back. what a great day. met mike, koop, brad, karma, mormegil, greenreaper, and many others. i had a blast that day. i wanted to go up there when jafo was visiting but i was sick as a dog that day and couldn't make the trip. there are/were many good people in that building.

on Apr 17, 2014

Quoting starkers, reply 23I got more decrepit going on than the mummy display at the London Museum

That's 'cause you ate CC far too long and the museum hasn't had time to catch up.

Corn chips? ....

So long as it's not candied cardboard... it's ever so dry and so hard to swallow.

on Apr 17, 2014

CC=Curried Cabbage.

on Apr 17, 2014

CC=Curried Cabbage.

Ah, that which was removed from the menu for health reasons.  Yup, seriously!

Yes, I had a rather unpleasant episode one night and I thought I may have been having a heart attack.  Turns out I had a problem with extreme heartburn and indigestion, and my doctor advised that I should cut out spicy food, instant coffee, tomatoes and anything with high acid content.  It means that I now miss out on some of my fave foods, but it doesn't bother me that much because I still eat well and enjoy it.

It's all part of getting older, when body parts don't function as well as in our youth.  I used to have a cast-iron stomach and I could eat just about anything and not regret it later, but it's not so anymore and curried anything is off the menu.

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